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Facilities Management FAMIS online work request system improves the work request process and enables Facilities Management personnel to provide departments with timely service and status updates. Self-Service users can use FAMIS to submit building maintenance issues. Requests for services that are not for building maintenance issues should be entered through the SUR process in PeopleSoft. If you are having issues requesting a service online, please contact our Work Control Center at 271-2121.
The top of the form are all required fields. Please select the Property, Floor, and Space for which the Service Request is being created. You will then need to select the Type of issue that you are reporting and Sub Type. Please provide a detailed description in the “Describe your Request” box.

The “Type” is the main category of the maintenance request you are submitting. For example, Electrical, Heating and Cooling, Carpentry, Plumbing, Custodial, or Landscape.
The “Sub Type” is the subcategory of your request. For example, an Electrical type could have Sub Types of Light Out or Loss of Power.
If you are reporting an issue for multiple spaces or areas, please add the correct Property and Floor with “General/Multiple” as the Space. In the description, include all of the spaces involved in the request.
The section titled "Who is making this request?" defaults to your login information. You can change this information if you are submitting on behalf of another campus user. You can also add multiple email addresses in the Email CC field, with each email separated by a comma.
When a request is submitted or entered on your behalf, a confirmation email will be delivered to the requestor. The requestor can track the work request by logging into the system and clicking on the "My Requests" tab at the top. All open requests will be in the list, in addition to closed requests within the last 60 days.
At any point while the request is active, a user can submit a general comment and the Facilities Management employee responsible for the request will receive an email or text notification.